What is Social Commerce?
Social media usage is one of the most popular online activities. In 2020, over 3.6 billion people were using social media worldwide, a number projected to increase to almost 4.41 billion in 2025, the number of companies that sell on social media.

What is Social Commerce?
While e-commerce has gained great importance with the increasing use of the internet, a concept called “social commerce” has entered our lives with the increase in the use of social media. Well, if we ask what is social commerce: Social media-oriented; Marketing and product sales through platforms such as Facebook, and Instagram. In short, we can say that it is a new commerce method that is formed by the combination of e-commerce and social media. Companies that sell and advertise their products with e-commerce have started to use the social commerce method with the increase in the use of social media.
The majority of internet users visit social media platforms regularly during the day. During the use of social media platforms, it is very possible to introduce and advertise products that they may be interested in. Even if they do not make a purchase directly on social media, they can use these platforms to get information about a product they want to buy, to do research, or just to look at online shop windows.
Social media usage is one of the most popular online activities. In 2020, over 3.6 billion people were using social media worldwide, a number projected to increase to almost 4.41 billion in 2025, the number of companies that sell on social media. In this case, various brands develop special sales and marketing techniques for social media and focus more on strategies for social commerce rather than stores.
The first step is to have a social media account, especially in order to do social commerce, which is a form of shopping that comes to the fore in the digital era and replaces real store windows. Then, utilizing the help of media experts is the most effective step because, with the wrong strategies, you can end your company's social commerce future before it even starts, destroy your company's image and even reduce your sales.
When using social media platforms for commercial purposes, you can announce your products to wider audiences by making the right moves and benefiting from the power of advertising, and you can increase your company's profits by adding value to your brand.
What Are the Benefits of Social Commerce?
Online shopping is advantageous and more practical for many users. Easy access to product types and prices, and fast and secure shopping opportunities make social commerce more and more popular factors such as social commerce can be counted among the advantages that make it more used and adopted every day.
While shopping via e-commerce is mostly offered with a credit card online payment option, in addition to shopping made through social media platforms, it is possible to find options such as cash at the door and credit card as well as eft/transfer via bank. In this way, trust problems and prejudices that may occur in social trade are prevented.
What Should You Consider?
Many people who do not find it safe to shop online still avoid shopping with social commerce. We encounter grievances in these matters frequently, but if necessary precautions are taken, shopping on social media is not a scary method at all.
Let's start commerce on social media. If you want to sell your products using social media platforms, you must first make adjustments to your social media account using the right strategies. You can get help from a professional media company for this, so you can avoid wrong moves and unexpected problems.
At the same time, a few factors such as presenting the prices and information of the products to your customers correctly, providing safe and various payment options, and working with fast and reliable cargo companies are important for entrepreneurs who want to market their products with social commerce.
Answering customers' questions and needs during and after the ordering process increases customer satisfaction and increases your profits.
The Easiest Way to Grow Your Business with the Power of Social Media: Giveaway Contest
The masses who find your business on social media and decide to buy live on social media. It is possible to reach your potential new customers easily by word of mouth on social media. Social traders therefore, often take advantage of the power of the giveaway contest.
Organizing giveaway contest that can reach large audiences with simple participation rules by determining a prize from their product or service is among the most common marketing and growth tactics. If you want to organize a giveaway, you can read our Tips for Create Instagram Giveaway blog post. When the day comes to end your giveaway contest and determine the winners, you can use simpliers, the world's #1 most trustful giveaway tool.
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