July 2025 Special Days, Important Days and Weeks Calendar

2 weeks ago

You can read about the special days and weeks of July, including special days such as World Chocolate Day and World Emoji Day, in this article.

July 2025 Special Days, Important Days and Weeks Calendar - simpliers blog

In July, when summer truly makes itself felt, we can celebrate many special days and weeks while enjoying the sun and warm weather. ⛱️

We have compiled the special days and weeks in July, which include special days such as World Emoji Day, World Chocolate Day, and the International Nasreddin Hodja Festival. 🥰

Since July is one of the busiest periods of the summer holiday season, tourism businesses can make their followers happy with holiday giveaway. 🌊☀️

July 1

International Nasreddin Hodja Festival (July 1-7)

July 6

World Kiss Day😘

July 7

World Chocolate Day🍫

July 11

World Population Day

July 17

World Emoji Day😛

July 20

International Chess Day♟️

July 28

World Hepatitis Day💉

July 30

World Friendship Day 👯‍♀️

JulySpecial DaysChocolate DayEmoji Day